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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sandra Bullock moves out!

SAD! SAD! SAD! Just when you think there is FINALLYY a successful marriage in Hollywood, this shiz happens. Sandra Bullock practically confirmed our biggest fears by moving out of the house her and her (soon-to-be-ex) husband shared. Guess this means the cheating rumors are true! I just can't believe he could do that to her! What makes it even worse, is the things she said in her academy awards acceptance speech. She really did love him a lot. Such a damn shame.. Hang in there Sandy! You are America's sweetheart and we are ALL on your side!

Until Next Time... ♥ J

1 comment:

  1. :( No! Their story is so romantic...I thought they would be the ones to actually break the Hollywood Relationship Curse and last forever...
